50% Lifetime Recurring
Yes, you read that right.
Earn 50% of every payment we receive, from every customer you refer, as long as they remain a customer, FOREVER.
  1   Share your Affiliate Link
Put your link in video descriptions, a Tweet, your Newsletter, a blog post, a TikTok video, a Reel, etc. Almost anywhere!
  2   People Install and Upgrade
Your audience clicks your link, installs Creative Fuel, loves it, and upgrades. (We have an extremely high conversion rate from free to paid).
  3   You get Paid
Every month, you earn 50% of every dollar we receive from customers that you have ever sent our way. No tricks, no fine print.

How can we offer 50%?

It's simple.
We F*^&#*NG hate to do marketing ourselves.
We love building software.
It's worth giving up 50% of sales for people that will promote us.
And, it means our $ goes toward people we care about, not dumb-ass worthless Facebook and Google Ads.

Dedicated Landing Pages

We are happy to build out custom dedicated landing pages for people that are serious about promoting Creative Fuel.

Interested? Please let us know and we'll hook you up.

Affiliate Resources

Logo & Name

For use on dark backgrounds.

Logo & Name

For light backgrounds.

Logo Only

For use on dark and light backgrounds.



Looking for something else? Just ask.

Official Terms

Our affiliate terms of service can be found HERE. We try to be as transparent as possible, but if you have any specific questions that aren't covered please let us know. Thanks!

     Sign Up as an Affiliate (FREE)